You Found Me

Please check out our newest video, a music video featuring the song “You Found Me” by Loud Harp.

Its in Christ that we were saved, its in Him that we find the strength to pull through!

Walking with God: Episode 7

Joe describes how broken he felt when he came to know the Lord. Feelings of abandonment and being lost caused him to seek Christ. He knew very little about God. All he remembered were things he had heard over the years. His knowledge about God was nothing more than a distant memory. Today Joe can say that through prayer he feels the closeness of a relationship with God. He expresses how when he calls out to God, he feels that God truly hears him. Joe’s personal relationships have also been restored because of God. Once in Joe’s life, his own mother had abandoned him. But today, Joe has repaired the damage from the past. He is now welcome in his mother’s home and even has his own room!
There is very little we can be sure of in our lives. Yet there is one thing we do know. When we call out to Christ, He hears us. It is through the comfort we receive from His presence, that we have strength to persevere.

“The eyes of the Lord are too the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry”
-Psalm 34:15

Present Grace Film Series: Joseph


Joseph is the youngest of Jacob’s sons. He has a dream that one day he would be the head of his brothers. He shares his dream with the ones he loves. Because of that, his brothers are jealous. They resolve to make Joseph fall. Joseph goes through a lot of obstacles to become the man he is. His heart’s desire is to forgive his brothers. He also wants to be in the will of God. As believers we are given two choices with hurtful relationships. We can choose to be angry, bitter and to hold on to the past. Or we can choose to forgive the past and walk in love, towards the future. When we choose to forgive, sometimes we even discover that was the plan for us the whole time. God always intended for Joseph to go through everything he went through. God intended to use what his brothers meant for harm. He used it to make Joseph the man he was always meant to be.

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”

-Genesis 50:20

Restoring the Gospel: Episode 5


Here it is! The day we have all been waiting for. April 20th, 2014 Grace Gospel Fellowship opened the doors to their new home. After years of prayer and many months of construction, the doors were opened to the public. Over 1000 people arrived this Sunday. Over 100 had to be turned away due to lack of room. What a glorious day! On Easter Sunday we praise God because this is the day He rose from the grave. With Him came life!

We just want to say thank you to everyone that helped to make this day what it was. Thank you to the Luther family for their donation. Thank you to every laborer that put it in the countless hours. Thank you to all the people that prayed for this day. Thank you to everyone who believed it could never happen. What a great God we serve! He is the God of this city!

“If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer”

-Matthew 21:12

Present Grace Film Series: Esther


Esther is a woman who is strong, beautiful and courageous. She had many challenges to overcome to become the woman she is. She was orphaned as a child. Esther was adopted by her cousin, Mordecai. She grows up to become a woman of beauty. It is her beauty that draws Xerxes to Esther to make her his wife. It is through the love that Xerxes has for her, that gives her the strength and courage to fight for her very own people. She wins the victory over Haman and rises to her position as queen and wife. Many of us, as women, are faced with challenges early in life. Yet those tribulations are often the very thing that God uses to make who we are meant to be. The hard times we face in our lives give us strength and character. We also learn what we are fighting for. We learn that love can overcome everything. Most times, we also discover that the pain from the past can be what has brought us to this moment. Now is the time that we can stand up for who we are, for what we have been through and fight for ourselves and those we love the most.

“For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this.”

-Esther 4:14

Present Grace Film Series: Job

If God is so good, then why is there so much suffering in the world and in our lives? This is a question that most of us have asked in our lifetime, on more than one occasion. Job himself is faced with this question in his life. Job was a righteous man, even God Himself says so. Job’s whole life was blessed, he prospered and there was happiness and wealth for him and his family. Then the day comes when God hands Job over to the influences and purposes of Satan himself. He loses everything he owns, loved ones and even his own health only to be left alone to ask God, “Why?”

Although we cannot answer these questions for you, only God Himself can answer those questions for the individual, God is never too far away to hear us when we call on him. No matter what the obstacle is that we are faced with in our lives, He is always there to comfort us, to listen to us and to carry us through. Job was stripped away of all he loved and cherished, and without a cause but the Lord was there for him through every moment, protecting him and holding Job is His hands and in His plan. Most times, through these hardships in our lives, we find the strength to cling closely to Him and through our suffering we find that even if we never know why these things are so, like Job, we can pass the strength to others that He gives to us. If we draw near to Him, he will draw near to us and through all of the pain we face every day, our greatest and most precious moments come from the love that He so freely gives us.

“After Job prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before”

– Job 42:10

Men of Grace: Kentucky Trip – Day 1

“Men of Grace” is a gospel group from Grace Gospel Fellowship. They go across the country to Campbellsville Kentucky to perform and to share the good news. Every moment is an opportunity to them to share the goodness of God through song. Whether they are on the road and sing in the Cracker Barrel restaurant, performing as a guest appearance on WVLC 99.9 FM, or performing in an auditorium in downtown Campbellsville, they work hard to share the gift they have been given by Jesus Christ.

“Oh come let us sing to the Lord, let us shout to the rock of our salvation.”

– Psalm 95:1